Friday, February 19, 2010

The World of Emptiness and Leadership

The title might sound interesting; indeed it is, for a reason. To help you understand this let me take you back to the times when one could really see a clearer picture of the things happening all around us. When there were no multiple personalities or ideologies. There used to be a single school of thought and one was recognized based on one’s single ideology and sticking to that for a lifetime. Those were really the moments when the world was empty. Cross cultural connections, internet, globalization, the way we know these concepts today were never really talked about then. Media was not very prevalent in those times and leadership was emerging from the grounds.

Some fine examples from which we can imbibe critical leadership lessons are Bhagat Singh, Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. They are the ones who recognized the missing link in the world and put their complete conscience to the cause.

Bhagat Singh, the man who believed in action defied the existing superstitious beliefs and atrocities happening on the people at that time and even took his stand by going against the beliefs on the Supreme Being i.e God. He was of the view that in order to find your freedom you really have to get up and revolt against the British Empire. How did he gain respect or how he rose in those times is the question I am seeking to address. The idea was simple. He sensed it first inside himself. That he was here for a higher cause greater than his own self was the feeling inside him. Then he went along with the people and supported the existing ideology like that of Mahatma Gandhi from which he found out that mere presence of non-violence is not going to get us freedom but we must fight for it, so he took to violent activities and became part of a revolutionary organization. He demonstrated clear leadership for the young blood in our country. He was not thinking about himself at all but he was thinking for the country! NOT everyone can do that. It needs a lot of courage to stand up and go against the existing tide. My contention is that someone HAS to rise and therefore someone will rise as part of nature or as a belief of a God wanting balance.

Likewise, the man called Mahatma Gandhi who demonstrated his leadership by sticking to non-violent means. The train incident at South Africa triggered the change inside him and he went on to support the higher cause. His leadership demonstrated the first step a human being takes towards leadership, he truly and clearly identified himself spiritually and that is when he went on to preach the same to the world. Many of our present day leaders like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar are doing the same in a way. Another example is that ofMother Teresa who again realized the purpose of living by giving to others. Her idea was simple: Loving the people from weaker sections of society and doing everything in service to these people.

Looking at these personalities two lines of thought emerge. One, that these people were not mere mortals but were sent by God to really look at and improve the existing state of affairs in those times, within that part of the world and second, that it is very natural that these people stood up for the cause, they took responsibility upon their shoulders. Both these thoughts are debatable as long as the world exists, because mere thoughts of human influence without God’s purpose seems slightly out of context to me.

Those were the times when the world was empty and leadership was visible for the deeds done by these souls. People were finding their ideals in these leaders and for many of them it was their first kind of experience of someone directing their souls with new ideologies. After independence, our country has seen leadership in the form of politics, business, sports, bollywood and rest of the country has followed in their footsteps. Some were the really enlightened ones to lead and the rest were following their footsteps generation after generation.

Now, the times are changing and demanding as well, not only in a single corner but around the world one is seeing and experiencing different things happening; internet has arrived, media has expanded itself in magnitude and reach and we are doused in so much information. Things are in abundance and the world is no longer empty. The presence of things around has made each one of us empowered to think of our own individuality. The questioning of Scott Adams in his book God’s Debris may find his answer today. His idea of avatar level interpreting “There is only one avatar at a time”, I think this is debatable. His understanding of avatar was merely limited to the knowledge at highest dimension. In fact, I would say there are many who could think of the world using multiple intelligences and are fully aware of the situation that the world is into. We now are well aware that there is no supreme power that is going to solve our problems. The statement made by U.S President Obama that “We are the change we have been waiting for” truly justifies this concern. Not so long ago, Mahatma Gandhi said the same when he wanted each one to realize the power of self. Times have changed. And, for a fact each one us can realize our power and world is going to get empowered with such knowledgeable people.

The questions that arise hence are: What’s the point of leadership in today’s context? Are those past day leaders not born today or are they lost in today’s labyrinth? Where is leadership and who are the people going to lead and what ideal should we live our lives on? These and many more such questions abound in the context of practicing leaders.

In conclusion, Leadership has to take a new stand in today’s times not relying on what was done earlier because problems are going to be different everywhere be it politics, organization, community level etc.. The leveling of the world has brought considerable changes all around. The world is filled now and will continue but likewise fundamentals never change, so are the fundamentals of leadership. The world is in need of self inspired leaders. Organizations and governments have been devising ways to empower people with technology and share information across borders. Now people can reasonably figure out what it means to be a person. This, demands of the human being, changes at the conscience level, changes within each and every human being. He/ She is not merely surviving alone but has to take care of the change (become more responsible) that is coming along his way. Leadership should mean creating balance and sustainability at our personal level, our society and country level and can’t just be left to chance. We have to recognize, that in this new religion of work, our society has to create coherence and respect the interests of each living being.

There were times when one could really find his ideal, role models in others. But today’s times where ideals have blemished; it is up to us to be self inspired and act as a role model and inspiration for others. As we progress towards each role of tomorrow, we need to stay committed, focused and contribute to maximum effect. To summarize, leadership of the future will mean accountability of living in this world. Accountability for and towards each and every human being!

Contributed by: Tejinder Singh, Student of Business Leadership Program, SOIL

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