Thursday, March 10, 2011

Peaceful Asia Prosperous Asia-Inspired Leadership Conference 2011

Peace is more relevant in today’s time of insecurity and interdependence than ever before. And even more relevant is the process through which we tend to acquire peace. We spend most of our working hours at work. Hence organizations play a big role in shaping values of our society. SOIL is privileged to have realized this urgency and is humbly playing its role as the initiator of conversations that bring about peace in Asia. To begin this collective journey towards a peaceful and prosperous Asia, SOIL presents the ‘Inspired Leadership Conference 2011' which will bring together more than 200 inspired citizens from various walks of life including leading Corporate firms, B-schools, Young citizens, Government representatives and the non profit sector to share their perspectives on the nature of peace, the process through which it can be acquired and the reasons we desire peace.

Be a part of the event on: Thursday, March 17 at 9:00am - March 18 at 6:00pm.

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