Saturday, March 20, 2010

Becoming Better and Staying Successful, Now Simplified!

Who doesn’t want to be happy and prosperous, lifelong…and now thanks to available expert coaching it’s easier and safer too. Get going with our SOIL’s proven success-expertise and easy to follow advice at its popular Info sessions at its campus and Bangalore (on Saturday20 Mar 2pm- 4pm) with regular updates on our blogs/facebook pages.. With experiences and anecdotes from real life experience across different management and industry groups SOIL’s e-publishing is a must read and you’ll cherish its common sense appealing inspired leadership content and compelling suggestions.

It’s Your Life, Live it Up! Don't wait for negative thoughts to start thinking more positively, simply develop a habit to purposely feed your self with positive thoughts every day -- many times a day. Keep it simple: by telling yourself things like, "I am a good professional." -- "I love life." -- "I am good at what I deliver." -- "I make my own good-luck." -- "I have decided to be successful and be happy." -- And the really simple, "It is all good." Initially you may not really believe in these positive-thoughts, and that is ok, however keep at it. Say these to yourself as if you do mean them; eventually you’ll begin to believe them. Remember that our negative-thinking patterns are a result of many years of reinforcement and changing these thinking patterns to positive-ones does takes some time and effort. Optimism is a journey and you need not rush to the finish line, simply enjoy the scenery and calmly keep winning over pessimism.”
So go ahead and succeed faster, Now!
Success is God’s gift for us all, and you need to be better prepare and equipped to leverage all the opportunities that come your way almost daily. All you need to do is be better prepared to accept and harness them. Get started today by visiting us at our Info sessions Saturday 20 Mar 2010, 2- 4pm Gurgaon (SOIL Campus) & Bangalore (Symphony Services Corp premises) this Saturday 20 March 2pm-4pm

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